Thursday 3 February 2011

It came in the mail ...

There are many many advantages of having friends in different places - this beautiful piece of almost-cream silk arrived in the post today from the Isle of Man. It is a beautifully embroidered remnant from somewhere afar. I also have a bag of beautiful silk squares - I was playing with them on the design sheet before embarking on "Inspired by Roses" late yesterday afternoon. It wasn't working for me (the arrangement screamed an emphatic "what are you thinking?") so instead of pushing on and making a mess of these beautiful silk squares, I re-wrapped them and put them aside.
Most of the squares are already joined in groups of eight ... and so tomorrows' quilt top will be "Serendipitous Serenity" .  Can there actually be such a thing? A central panel of the embroidered piece from Sue surrounded by the beautiful squares from Kate. Thank you both.

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